I really appreciate the effort National Geographic has spent in recent years making their programming absolutely crazy.  The current line up includes:

  • Sizing Up Sperm – which makes a bunch of real people do an obstacle-course like triathalon to represent the journey of a sperm
  • Fight Science – meant to bring together nerds and the bullys that trounce them
  • Rescue Ink Unleashed – where a cru of tatooed, biker guys rescue abused animals

The last one really caught my attention.  Animal abusers should watch out.  Because it might not be some sissy animal-control officer knocking at your door – it might be these guys:

These guys will kick your ass if you even think about abusing an animal

Then, after a tough days ass-kicking, cuddling ensues:

How could it not?

What two opposite things will the network juxtapose next?  Metrosexual firefighters?  Stocktrading farmers?  Beautiful women who work in waste removal by day and date ugly guys at night?  Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be magic. 

Oh, and hilarious.